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BOOST 2023
Saturday, April 1, 2023

Thank you for your support in 2019!

The BOOST (short for Bringing Optimism & Opportunity to Students & Teachers) Committee held its second annual BOOST Bash in March 2019, with over 300 community members attending. As you can see below, the event was another huge success!

2019 BOOST Total Raised (Net Proceeds)

Net Proceeds                                                            $67,443.00

2019 BOOST Total Distributions

Classroom/Educator Grants/Projects                    $50,663.00

Teacher Appreciation Gifts/Events                         $5,000.00

In-Year Request Fund                                            $6,780.00

2020 Event Prep                                                    $5,000.00


Teachers were given the opportunity to request funds for specific projects, and teachers were notified of awards at the end of the school year.  Distributions were coordinated by a selection committee composed of teachers and BOOST committee members.  All of the funded projects are below:

2019 BOOST Funded Projects

        Project                                                                                        Grade/Department

1            Book Mindset - Family/Staff Interaction                             Elementary - All Grades

2            History Boy Theater Production                                         Elementary - All Grades

3            STEM Activities for Cooperation Stations                          Elementary - All Grades

4            RAM Readers (Book Distributions)                                    Elementary - All Grades

5            Musical Instruments - Ukuleles                                          Elementary - All Grades

6            Before School PBIS Activities                                            Elementary - All Grades

7            Chad Elliott Assembly                                                        Elementary - PreK-2

8            STEM Bins                                                                         Elementary - Kindergarten

9            Student/Parent Learning Fair                                             Elementary - 1st Grade

10          Coding Robots & Brain Bins                                               Elementary - 1st Grade

11          Field Trip to C.Y. Stephens                                                 Elementary - 2nd Grade

12          TAG Field Trip to C.Y. Stephens                                         Elementary - TAG

13          Field Trip to Science Center                                               Elementary - 3rd Grade

14          Flexible Seating                                                                  Elementary - 3rd Grade

15          Field Trip to Iowa State campus                                         Elementary - 4th Grade

16          Field Trip to Des Moines Playhouse OR C.Y. Stephens    Elementary - 4th Grade

17          Field Trip to Boone Scenic Railroad                                   Elementary - 4th Grade

18          In-house Skating Program                                                  Elementary - P.E.

19          Sensory Room                                                                   Elementary - Special Education

20          Board Games for Sigh Words/Alphabet                             Elementary - Title 1 Reading

21          Summer School Field Trip to Science Center                    Elementary & Middle School 

22          Civic Center Show (Applause Series)                                Middle School - 6th Grade

23          Overnight Trip to Camp Hantesa                                        Middle School - 6th Grade

24          Field Trip to Science Center                                               Middle School - 6th Grade

25          Play/Musical @ ISU/Civic Center                                       Middle School - 7th & 8th Gr.

26          Bowling, Snow-Skiing, Skating                                           Middle School - P.E.

27          Student Council Hosted Events                                          MS - Student Council

28          TAG Field Trip to Civic Center                                           Middle School - TAG

29          Academic Quiz Bowl Fees                                                MS & HS TAG

30          Supplies for Underprivileged students                              High School - All Students

31          Business Clothing for Interviews                                      High School - Business

32          Virtual Business Simulation - Sports Mgmt                      High School - Business

33          Virtual Business Simulation - Restaurant Mgmt               High School - Business

34          Senior Field Trip to DM Capitol & Historical Museum       High School - Government

35          Stethoscopes for CNA Class                                            High School - CNA Program

36          Commissioning of Piece for New Building                        High School - Music

37          Clothes Closet                                                                  HS - Work-Based Learning 

38          Headsets w/ Microphones - Seal of Biliteracy                  High School - World Languages

39          Bilingual Library                                                                High School - World Languages

BOOST is an affiliate of the Greene County Schools Foundation, a 501c3 organization. 100% of the proceeds from this inaugural annual BOOST event will go toward enhancing, enriching, and supporting the quality of educational programs in the Greene County School District.

Thank you to our Generous Sponsors!

  • Becci & Bob Hamilton
  • Home State Bank
  • Jefferson Telecom
  • Steve & Julie Karber
  • Fairview Veterinary Clinic
  • Mr. & Mrs. Dean & Cassie Dozier
  • Fortress Wealth Management
  • Heritage Insurance & Real Estate
  • Kiwanis Club of Jefferson, Iowa
  • Landus Cooperative
  • Neese Inc.
  • New Cooperative Foundation
  • NexGen Baths
  • Raccoon Valley Mutual Insurance Association
  • Scranton Telephone Company
  • Tech Zone